Ben, Windy, Elnorra, Cordelia & Adelaide Shaffer
1301 West Calle de Cobre
Sahuarita, AZ 85629
Web log www.Shaffers1430.Blogspot.com
Ben’s cell: 520-203-2328
Windy’s cell: 928-774-8442
Home phone: None

Season’s Greetings from the Shaffers in 2010!

Home Sweet Home-Homeowners for over a year, we love all the space and comfort!

Adelaide Emily, born 1-1-10, Absolutely Fabulous Addy-Lady, the most patient and happy baby!

First kid in school-Elnorra (5 ½) started kindergarten at a charter school ½ mile away.

Fun, fun, fun-5 days in Disneyland in July with friends.

Energetic and boisterous Cordelia (3 ½) is fiercely independent. She’s our “firecracker.”

Running around doing what we do:
Windy (30+) had a year of the Tuba, in May she attended the International Tuba and Euphonium Conference here in Tucson, took a few lessons, played many Octoberfests with a polka band, and her first ever tuba solo, “In the Hall of the Mountain King!”
Ben(30)can run again! Finally, After breaking my leg, I used crutches or a cane for 6 months and only just stopped limping, but I made it to the peak of Mount Humphreys this summer so I think I’m close to normal at last. This year included us BOTH co-writing and performing a murder mystery dinner theater with Windy’s mom. Our girls went to a lot of different baby sitters for a few weeks. I performed my first improv comedy night during Thanksgiving weekend. We spend most of our time with family, play dates and work. The dishes and laundry are never done, but at least we have food to eat and clothes to wear!

New Years Day, 2010-Tucson Arizona

Adelaide 6 months old

Elnorra, Kindergarten 2010-2011 School Year

Disneyland July 2010
Cordelia "Dilly" 3 and a half, October 2010 Albuquerque Hot Air Balloon Festival