Happy holidays! We have had a pleasant year learning to focus on what truly matters, the people around us.
Windy, 44– I am working on managing my resources of time, money and energy now my youngest child is in school full time. Windy’s Winds is doing well and never has an empty workbench. I started a second micro business, Windy’s Bookkeeping. I have 2.5 clients (one being my repair shop). I currently take a day "off" from shop work to schedule as many doctor’s appointments as possible as well as doing accounting and errands. Wisely, DeeDee, only drives in town so I happily chauffeur my mom and kids around.
As I strive to find a better life/work balance I try to spend more time talking to friends while working instead of listening to my favorite “fluff” (YA fiction audiobooks). I am now the board president of the local community orchestra. I enjoying being an active Daisy Girl Scout leader in the local “mega troop.” I lived vicariously through Elnorra as she earned her Girl Scout Silver Award this year as I was unable to finish my award as a kid. (I solemnly swear she did more than half the work!). Happy and healthy, glad for the new house, my family, and a second chance at life, I wish you and your's inner peace and relative comfort.
Elnorra, 14, 9th grade-This year has been harder academically than last year and I am starting to realize that taking all the advanced classes that my school offers wasn’t the best decision. I really like all of my electives. I love orchestra and choir. I am also taking an online class so that I have the opportunity to take drama. I feel that I’ve been acting more like a classic teenager, always locking myself in my room and not wanting to be around my family. I attended 2 summer camps and earned both the Girl Scout Silver and Church Young Women’s awards. I admire how my mom copes with both Windy’s Winds and her accounting job. She also keeps house and deals with 4 children and her mom all of whom have many different quirky challenges.
Cordelia, 12, 7th grade-I am now in percussion class and drama (like my grandma, I love improv). In the spring I will be taking choir. I love 7th grade so much and appreciate how easy my 4.0 was to earn so far including honors’ math (108%). I have great friends and I have been settling into the new house quite nicely. Have a happy holiday! With love Cordelia
Adelaide “Addy”, 9, 4th grade-I am excited for the year and what comes next. I’m looking forward to Christmas. I love being a Junior Girl Scout and learned more about the ukulele in a summer arts camp. I went to Girl Scout camp and Camp Kesem. I am really learning to love reading and I can finally read my favorite books, “Harry Potter” the first of which was as a gift from GranDee for getting good grades.
Gwendolyn “Gwendy”, 6, I graduated Kindergarten this year. And I had fun playing with my friends this summer. I am now in 1st grade. I am happy and healthy and love to smile and be helpful. I like being a Daisy Girl Scout. I love to play on the piano.
DeeDee, 74 This has been a year when I have tested my goals and limitations in terms of relationships, health, and concept of self. This was our first year living together in our big joined duplex. Adjusting to living with four active girls and a very busy Windy, has been both a challenge and joy. Limited chaos abounds as we navigate the challenges and complexities of multiple scheduled activities and a good relationship and shared custody with Ben. I take some pride in being the family cook - there are some meals that are stellar and some of that we grit our teeth and eat it anyway.
I find it harder and harder to travel and we all take delight when people stop by. Thanks to friends from New York, Arizona, Michigan and Colorado for lovely visits - they are rejuvenating. We are at such a convenient stopping place so if you are going from here to there, do drop in. We have several lovely guest rooms - and the possibility of a stellar meal or two. Or spaghetti.
DeeDee Jay
331 E 100 North
Spanish Fork, UT 84660
Shaffer Family
341 E 100 North
Spanish Fork, UT 84660
Windy Shaffer
Elnorra Shaffer
Cordelia Shaffer
Adelaide Shaffer
Gwendolyn Shaffer