18 March 2006

We had a nice slow start to the morning and then Leonard stayed on the beach with Elnorra and the rest of us went snorkeling! Windy had never been before and it was an amazing experience! The water was a delightful temperature and just a few feet off the shore there were wonderfully colorful tropical fish and coral and even a few anemones were easy to find. By 2 PM we were all sunburned by some degree with Leonard and Windy highest on the scale so we hit the road for our longest day in the car as we drove up the scenic East coast. We had quite the amazement when our “freeway” became a one-laner around some curves. The other drivers weren’t fazed at all and knew which corners to wait at and when to honk to let us know they were coming through. We finally arrived in Hualien at 10 pm had a bit more trouble finding a cheap motel and settled for $800 NT ($25USD) per room.

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